London Family Photographer
London Family Photographer

Top Tips for a Successful Family Studio Portrait


Posing Ideas for Family Photos

Babies and kids usually do their won thing when it comes to family portraits. All that's needed is a little gentle coaxing and a way of holding their interest, as they have a very short attention span. This can be done by engaging with mum or dad or by using props such toys.

Posing for Adults

  • Do some research and come into the studio with definite ideas
  • Use posing ideas which create in diagonal shapes in the photo
  • Be prepared for close up and tightly cropped shots
  • Coordinate your clothes are think sporty, casual, evening wear etc
  • Practice a relaxed , friendly smile (with and without teeth) at home
  • As a general rule your photos should exhibit engaging eye contact
  • A good tip is to look directly at the camera logo above the lens

By doing a little research on the internet and practicing some poses at home, will boost your confidence when you come into the studio, making the surroundings seem less intimidating.

Feeling confident and relaxed will help you move naturally without being self conscious. The resultwill be in looking pictures.

Double Chins, Necks, Wrinkles

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